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Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain (第二版)
有關Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain (第二版)的詳細介紹如下:
1.Broader Treatment of Operations Management - A unique aspect of the text is the examination of both the upstream (supply-side) and downstream (demand-side) aspects of the supply chain.
2.Use of Integrative Frameworks - (1) the critical customer, (2) the value proposition, and (3) capabilities.
Morgan Swink
現職:Texas Christian University
Steven Melnyk
現職:Michigan State U-East Lansing
M. Bixby Cooper
現職:Michigan State U-East Lansing
Janet L. Hartley
現職:Bowling Green State University
作者: Swink、Melnyk、Cooper、Hartley
Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain (第二版)